jeudi 27 septembre 2007

The vending machine !

As a friend once told me "Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre" so here is the answer you were all waiting for !

Have a closer look to see what you can get out of this machine !

It's ...... Mmmmmmm...........

Sausage on a stick !!

As everyone knows, I can eat everything ! So when I had enough change and enough time for it, I bought one on these sausages ...

... And tasted it ...

It actually tastes like ... nothing... not even sausage... It's not really expensive but it isn't even worth this much !

Anyway, I have a lot of things to do and next week end, I will go to Gyeongju with the International Student Organisation so I'll write more about interesting facts after the week end (or eventually on sunday evening if we don't come back too late)

Enjoy your sausages !

6 commentaires:

me a dit…

I put my comment on the previous entry, but don't forget my prize when you come home for Christmas

ta maman a dit…

Je suis contente que ce soit "me" qui est gagné le premier prix car comme tu le sais, tout ce qui est à lui est à moi.
Je vais donc pouvoir goûter à ces délicieuses saucisses sans saveur...miam miam!

William a dit…

moi je suis plutot content que me AIT gagné, mais bon après chacun fait comme il veut !

ta maman a dit…

bravo! tu as gagné!
c'était pour voir si tu parlais et écrivais toujours le frog ou si tu étais devenu un anglais garçon à part entière!

hang a dit…

This sausage is extremely popular in China too...the important thing is the sauce, without it it's just crap...

Anonyme a dit…

Good for people to know.