jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Un retour bien agité (Part 2)

Just before boarding the plane to Incheon, I meet Lisa who was also waiting for the same plane. She tells me that she found 2 of her luggages and checked them in but that there still is one missing. Nothing to encourage my trust in what the guy told me... We finally board the plane, no problem during the flight and here we are in Incheon. No problem going through Korean immigration. I meet Lisa at the luggage collection point, she finds her 2 luggages that she checked-in in Beijing but no sign of her missing one nor of mine. After a quick lost luggage report, it's time for me to think of a way to return to Daejeon. (Lisa had a friend who came to collect her and was not going to Daejeon this evening) Of course, its 10:40PM and there are no more buses to Daejeon. I am not able to make any call with my handphone because the prepaid credit is expired and there is nowhere to recharge it. After Franck called me, I decided to take the bus to Seoul station in order to take a train to Daejeon if I get there in time.

J'arrive donc à avoir le dernier bus en direction de la gare. Dans le bus, juste devant moi, il y a un coréen (étrange non ?) comme il a l'air de savoir ou il va, je lui demande s'il sait combien de temps met le bus pour aller jusqu'à la gare et je lui explique ma situation. Là, il appelle un ami à lui pour qu'il vérifie si je serai à temps pour le dernier train en direction de Daejeon. Il essaye ensuite de voir si j'ai le temps d'aller à la gare routière et de prendre le dernier bus. C'est négatif dans les deux cas, il ne me reste plus qu'à attendre le premier bus ou train, au choix.

I'm able to catch the last train to Seoul station. In the bus, just in front of me, there is a Korean guy (strange isn't it ?) as he seems confident of where he is going, I ask him if he knows how long the bus takes to Seoul station. He calls a friend to check if I will make it in time for the last bus to Daejeon. As it seems I will not be able to make it in time, he tries to find out if I have time to go to the bus terminal and get on the last bus to Daejeon. I will not ... Two choices are left to me, either I wait for the first bus of for the first train.

De toute façon je décide d'aller jusqu'à la gare et de tenter le tout pour le tout. A cet instant, ce même coréen me propose de passer la nuit chez lui, il habite à côté de la gare et ce sera tout de même plus confortable que de dormir dans la gare. On ne va pas dire que j'espérai secrètement cette proposition, mais ça m'arrange bien quand même ! J'accepte donc et nous voila parti en direction de chez lui.

Anyway, I decide to go to the station and see if I can get on the last train. This minute, the same Korean guy suggest going to his place for the night. He lives close to the station and it will be a lot more comfortable than sleeping in station. I wasn't expecting this offer but let's say that it is quite... accommodating ! (attention, jeu de mots !) Here we are on our way to his place.

Bon, je vous passe les détails de la nuit, rien de spécial, juste une chauffage au sol (comme partout en Corée) réglé sur 27°C. Ça m'a un peu empêcher de dormir, mais de toute façon, je n'étais pas vraiment fatigué à cause du décalage horaire. "Réveil" avec une belle vue sur Seoul sous la neige. Ensuite, rien de palpitant, j'ai pris le bus et je suis arrivé au KAIST sans encombre.

Nothing special during the night except the floor heating (like everywhere in Korea) set to 27°C (8O°F). It prevented me a bit from sleeping but anyway, I was not really feeling like sleeping because of the jet-lag. I "woke up" the following morning with a beautiful view on Seoul in the snow. Afterwards, nothing interesting, I took the bus and reached KAIST without any problems.

Pour la petite histoire, j'ai récupéré ma valise le mardi après-midi, un type de l'aéroport est venu me la livrer directement. J'ai aussi eu un coup de fil de Lisa qui est arrivée à Daejeon sans problème et qui a elle aussi récupéré sa valise manquante.

For the record, I got my luggage back on the Tuesday afternoon, a bloke from the airport came to deliver it directly to my dorm. I also had news from Lisa, she reached Daejeon without any problems and also got her missing luggage back.

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